Four Musicians
A paper theater about a world-famous song from Austria

The legend of the four musicians from Untersberg, or how the Austrian hymn “Silent Night” conquered the world. Styled on nineteenth-century paper theaters, this small yet beautiful puppet theater uses a vendor’s tray as a stage and a hand puppet. The show combines real events with a legend from the foothills of the Austrian Alps. Franz Xaver Gruber, who appears as the hand puppet, is interviewed and tells of the true events that led to Austria’s most famous song spreading far and wide.

12:00 Uhr, Barockschlössl, studio
Das Kichererbsen Theater
Ages 3 and up • german
30 min • Paper theater
€ 12 / 6

Actor/director: Melanie Eichhorn

Photos: Andi Aschauer

Das Kichererbsen Theater Website

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